Yuma's HOME Team - Yuma's HOME Team
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Looking to buy or sell in Yuma? Meet Patti Bourelle and Shelly Martin, the dynamic duo of Yuma's HOME Team! Patti, a Yuma native, and Shelly, a California girl, bring over 40 years of combined real estate experience and are passionate about all things real estate. At Yuma's HOME Team, we understand that trust is key. That's why our core values are empathy, dependability, competence, and transparency. As two of the top agents in Yuma, we've built a reputation for getting our clients the best deals. In fact, our expert negotiation skills often mean more money in your pocket. Ranked Top 5 in all of Arizona by RealTrends for small teams, we specialize in listing homes and making the selling process smooth and successful. Our team also includes top-notch buyers' agent, Susan Coons, who is dedicated to helping you find the perfect home. We’re not just experienced professionals; we’re also a fun and energetic team that makes the real estate journey enjoyable and stress-free. With our proven track record and client-first approach, you can trust us to handle every aspect of your real estate needs. Ready to make your next move? Let Patti and Shelly guide you home with confidence and a smile. Your REALTORS® for life!
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